Hernia & Hydrocele Surgery

What are the Signs of a Hernia?

Only about 25% of hernias cause pain. If the bulge forms where the thigh and groin meet, it can often be seen and felt. If the bulging intestine enters the scrotum, it can cause pain and/or swelling.

Inguinal hernias happen when the open lining does not close before birth. That leaves a weak area in the groin. Pressure can cause the intestine to push through and bulge out. The bulge may hurt or burn. A hernia can occur soon after birth or much later in life.

Hernias that occur in older adult males are common and can happen from pressure, like straining during bowel movements, heavy lifting, coughing, sneezing or obesity . This pressure forces part of the intestine through that weak spot in the groin or abdominal wall.


The testicles develop near the kidneys in the abdomen. By the end of pregnancy, they move down to their normal position in the scrotum.A muscle lining opens in the scrotum (the inguinal ring) to let the testes drop from the abdomen, forming a sac or canal. If the ring stays open or reopens, a small amount of fluid can move from the belly to the scrotum through this passage. This causes a hydrocele. In most boys this canal closes.

Hydroceles can also happen after injury and swelling of the scrotum. They can get better in a few months. If not, they need medical attention.